Renato Candido
- MackenzieResearcher
He received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering in 2006 from Mackenzie Presbyterian University in Brazil, the M.S. degree in 2009, and the Ph.D. degree in 2014, both from University of São Paulo, in Brazil. His interest in digital signal processing and machine learning initiated during graduation, where, during the final project, he worked with neural networks applied to analysis of electrocardiogram signals to detect cardiac diseases. After graduation, he began working with adaptive filters. During the M.S., he worked with theoretical analysis of combinations of adaptive algorithms and during Ph.D, he worked with communication channel equalization applied to chaos-based communication systems. After he finished the Ph.D., he continued to work as a researcher at the same university, as a postdoctoral researcher from 2015 to 2017 and, since 2017, as a collaborative researcher. During this period, he has co-supervised three undergrad students and one M.S. student, working with adaptive filters and machine learning problems. Furthermore, he has been teaching electrical and computational engineering courses on some private universities since 2016. Besides academic research, he also has been working with consulting on technology projects involving computer networking, IoT, systems automation, data wrangling and machine learning since 2009.